Implementing Campaign Manager - External Integrations

Twitter Plugin Options - Keys

There are four mandatory values required to run the Twitter plugin: Consumer Key, Consumer Secret Key, Access Token, and Access Token Secret Key.

The key values can:

  • either be supplied as Kettle parameters, press Ctrl + Space to select
  • or be supplied from the Twitter app, described in the Procedure steps below


  1. Log in to Create a Twitter account if you don't already have one.
  2. Go to My Application and click Create an application.
  3. After you have supplied all the requested details and created your application, a page is displayed that contains: 'Consumer Key', 'Consumer Secret' and a 'Create my access token' button.
  4. Select the Settings tab, and set your application access type to 'Read and write'.
  5. Click Update this Twitter application settings. It will take few minutes to update your new settings.
  6. After the new settings have been updated, return to the 'details' settings and click Create my access token to generate your app’s access token and secret key.
    • This might take a short while. Refresh the page after a few minutes.
  7. Copy all four values to your Twitter plugin.
  8. You can specify the name of the status-column in the Status-field name field. Use this field to access the plugin status. If you do not specify a name, the field will contain the default value "Status".
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